Apr 28, 2023
Stories in this episode:
Day in History: 1973: Mary Gludt becomes the first female attorney in Wabasha County
Mayo Clinic patients see facility fees appear where they weren't before
Hayfield brought strength and conditioning training in house. Athletes are already seeing success
Rochester woman pleads guilty...
Apr 27, 2023
Day in History: 1998: Mike Aikens named new coach of Rochester Mustangs
Traveling exhibit offers blind community a chance to be seen
New owner buys downtown Rochester apartment complex for $26.9 million
Lake City takes emergency measures in response to high water level unseen in more...
Apr 26, 2023
Day in History: 1948: General Eisenhower says the danger is 'that some stupid act may start a war'
Mayo Civic Center parking lot slated to offer mix of housing
A Powers-ful team
Rochester Public Schools improves graduation rate in 2022 over previous year, beats state average
Apr 25, 2023
Day in History: 1973: Mississippi River floods Aitkin County
BBQ, a bunny and a billboard's vegan message
Form meets function in artist, builder collaboration for new Little Thistle bar top
Wabasha is fighting the rising Mississippi River with water
Stewartville's Haylie Strum...
Apr 24, 2023
Day in History: 1973: Miss America wants swimsuit competition dropped
Shauna Anderson believes in the power of coffee and relationships. Her papa helps bring people together, too
Local engineer cleans up in sale of laundry technology
Rochester council discussing budget impacts...
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